Accessible Housing

Allira is a Community Housing Provider that manages subsidised social, community and affordable housing for low-income Aboriginal families and elderly people in Dubbo, Orange and Mudgee.
We’ve helped tenants with accessing and maintaining tenancies in AHO owned properties, since 2018, and our Aboriginal Elders Independent Living Units, developed with the assistance of a targeted grant 20 years prior.
Allira manages the maintenance and tenancy of 44 properties in Orana and Central West NSW that include:
- Aboriginal Elders Independent Living Units in Dubbo.
- Family homes (up to 5 bedrooms), and
- Units (2 x bedroom) duplex units
What is the purpose of Allira Housing?
To manage and maintain a range of State government owned housing for Aboriginal people.
All properties and tenancies are managed in accordance with the National Regulatory System for Community Housing. Through membership of the NSW Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association Allira is supported and kept up to date with industry movements and part of a statewide network working towards strengthening housing opportunities for Aboriginal people.
Eligibility Policy
Akela Community Housing: People of Aboriginal descent aged 55 years, and over who can demonstrate a long-term connection and cultural affiliation with the Dubbo area will be eligible to apply for housing at Akela Community Housing.
Social Housing: Housing Pathways have their own eligibility criteria that is required to be able to be eligible for Social Housing.
Affordable Housing: To be eligible for Affordable housing, you must be over the Housing Pathways eligibility criteria of income and able to provide the required information required for the Affordable waitlist.
Such people must meet the income and assets criteria currently applicable for public housing.
The current income and assets of the applicant will be checked to ensure that their current income has not exceeded the current limits set by the Housing NSW.
How do I apply for housing?
Applications for social housing can be made via Housing NSW, either online at, or by calling 1800 422 322 (free to call).
Eligibility criteria are as follows:
- Be 55 years or over for Akela Community Housing
- Be a permanent resident or citizen of Dubbo (3 years minimum residency)
- Be of low to moderate income, in line with the Department of Housing income guidelines
- Be able to provide proof of aboriginality.
- Be homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Current rent paid (within income guidelines)
- Current accommodation is substandard.
- Current accommodation is overcrowded.
- Current accommodation is too expensive.
- Nominations and referrals from other agencies are optional.
How Can I access Housing services?
- Firstly, ensure your name is on the NSW Housing Register. This can be done online through Housing Pathways, or an application form can be completed and lodged through a Housing Pathways provider. This ensures you are on housing wait lists.
- Then, contact Allira Housing on Completing an Allira housing application form is specific for Allira managed available properties.
Contact: 02 6882 9503
What is the purpose of Allira Housing Program?
The purpose of the Allira Housing program is primarily to provide targeted subsidised housing as well as individualised assistance in maintaining tenancies. We’re building a strong referral service too, aiming to provide as much culturally appropriate support as possible to our tenants.
Who is the Allira Housing Program for?
The Allira Housing program is for low to moderate income Indigenous families in Dubbo and the Central West region of NSW. Also tenants who are previously homeless individuals and families, as well as those who were renting and simply chose to access cheaper housing, given they were eligible.
Inaccessibility of Quality Housing
We help solve is the inaccessibility of quality housing for those on low incomes (due to the rising costs of living and general housing shortages). We also provide culturally appropriate tenancy support, and referral services, which can be a great comfort for our tenants.
How can I Access the Housing Program?
You can access the service by:
- Coming into the service.
- Phone the service or through Housing Pathways
- Get a family member or friend to contact the service on their behalf
- Filling out the form
We always recommend people complete a Housing Pathways application form as well as an Allira Housing application. A Housing Pathways application will mean they are placed on the NSW Housing Register (which applies to all available community housing providers’ properties in the preferred locations, including those with Allira Housing). An Allira Housing application is specific to our available properties only, however there are times when we’re able to use our own waiting lists.