Our Board and Directors
Allira is Aboriginal governed and managed by a very active and engaged board; some of the Directors are founding members of Allira.
The board and directors past and present take the credit for the success and growth of the service. The board and directors wish to thank the parents, children and community who have supported Allira from the start as they have also contributed to the success of the service.
Grace Toomey
Grace is a descendant of Wilay and Wiradjuri people and has been the chairperson of the board since 2021. Her involvement with Allira initially started 30 years ago when her son attended the childcare centre.
A passionate advocate for the community Grace is also the State Council Member for the nine western region Aboriginal Lands Council, Director of the Koori Knockout waratah sports aboriginal corporation, and member of the Koori Interagency Department.
Allira has a special place in Grace’s heart as the longest standing Aboriginal Organisation in Dubbo.
Wiradjuri | Wilay
Jannett Toomey-Smith
Aunty Jannett was born in Dubbo and is a descendant of Wiradjuri people.
Aunty Jannett has been involved with Allira since the beginning working in the childcare centre for more than 20 years, and her son attended centre from the age of 4.
In 2021, Aunty Jannett joined the Board as the Secretary, and is also a member of the Koori Court, Elder of the community, and Director of the Wilay and Wiradjuri Elders Group.
As a grandmother to 13 children, aunty Jannett would love Allira to be a safe and fun place for all children of the community, to help kids survive and thrive.
Deputy Chair and Secretary
Aunty Marg Walker
Aunty Marg is a descendant of Wilay and Wiradjuri people.
Aunty Marg has been involved with Allira since it started operating, working as a staff member and cook, her grandchildren then attended the centre, and Aunty Marg joined the board in 2023.
A passionate advocate for the community, Aunty Marg is also involved in the Youth Koori Court, Children’s Court, Drug Court and Circle Sentencing. Aunty Marg loves to see the centre packed full of kids.
Wiradjuri | Wilay
Board Member
Aunty Betty Riley-Rankmore
Aunty Betty is a descendant of the Wailway, and Nagamba people.
Aunty Betty has been on the board of Allira for 25 years, and before that worked in an Aboriginal child care centre in Mount Druitt.
With a huge passion for the Allira Early Learning Centre, Aunty Betty would love to see the centre filled with Aboriginal children to give them a great headstart to their education and life.
Wiradjuri | Wailway | Nagamba
Valarie Fisher
Valarie Fisher is a descendant of the Wiradjui people, and has been involved with Allira for over 20 years as a staff member.
Valarie loves the community and camaraderie of Allira, and hopes to see the centre forge ahead and expand to offer more services to the community, especially in the areas of aged care.
Board Member
Veronica Rodenburg
Veronica is a seasoned CEO of community sector and registered Native Title organisations with over 30 years’ experience.
She was raised on the Liverpool Plains, went to school in Tamworth, and her first job was working in Television at NEN 9 in Tamworth. She moved to Melbourne to advance her career and study, and to follow her aspirations of working in community organisations that supported disadvantaged families. She has worked in a variety of community agencies in city, rural and remote places specializing in family support, domestic violence programs, aged care, childcare, drug and alcohol rehabilitation and other support services.
Veronica has two grown sons and recently located back to NSW from Western Australia to be closer to family and to work with Allira. She is passionate about working with vulnerable people to improve their circumstances and helping to grow hopeful communities.
Chief Executive Officer
Jennifer Roberts-Clarke
Jennifer is a descendant of the Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi people and has been involved with Allira since its inception.
There is no such thing as a typical day for Jennifer as her role includes: Driving the bus to pick up the elders, a morning tea outing, craft workshops, visiting other organisations in the community, helping at the Foodbank, driving participants to their appointments or events.
Jennifer’s favourite part of the job is seeing the participants busy in the community, keeping their minds active, and able to stay in their own homes.
Wiradjuri | Kamilaroi
Aged Care Manager | Board Member
Chenoa Goedhart
As the Housing Program Manager, Chenoa supports clients to find and maintain their tenancy and is passionate about growing the program to meet the ever increasing need.. Chenoa loves the variety of her days which includes creating policies, writing grants, conducting inspections, and ensuring compliance.
Before joining Allira, Chenoa worked in the private rental sector. Chenoa is the mother to four boys, and in her spare time loves to create craft, crochet, draw and paint.